Motherland is Waiting for you, 2017
Motherland is Waiting for you explores the romanticized view of Motherland.
It is based on the consequences of Armenians who migrated to many places after the genocide.
As the image of this non-place becomes an invitation to a dream and transcends to become universal, it questions how unacknowledged spaces between two points and evident trances of time can be portrayed. How ideas of the past can be redefined into ideologies of the present. How the idea of a motherland keeps changing, and how the boat in this context has a deeper meaning than being just a relocating structure.
The work guides the viewer into a passage where notions of time and identity are blurred and challenged.
Enquiry for Motherland is Waiting for you, 2017
Motherland is Waiting for you Figures - 2017
182 x 205 cm
Acrylic on canvas